Power of Dating!

Power of Dating!

Dating doesn't end when you establish a relationship!

Dating is the exciting part of the start of many relationships but why is it more often than not partners forget to continue to 'date' each other?

Treating your partner the way you did when you were dating can do wonders for your relationship AND can help men last longer.

Dating is defined as the period of time when two people are in a stage of their relationship where they engage in various activities together to get to know each other, with the aim of establishing a long term or more intimate relationship.

Treating your partner the same way you did when you were dating will keep the spark within your relationship while focusing on having fun and enjoying the pleasure of being together lowers the relationship tensions and anxiety levels.

It is completely natural that over time as you both get more and more comfortable with one another you may stop doing the little things, like bringing a gift of flowers, dressing up, treating each other to dinner, or even sitting down and getting to know each other’s hobbies.

Remember when you were first dating you would give your partner plenty of compliments - you may think your partner knows how you feel but a small compliment can go a long way! Does your partner look lovely today? Did they make you proud of a recent achievement? Have they been working hard? Let them know how much you appreciate them!

Dating your partner doesn't always mean you have to spend a fortune to go on fancy dates, make time to sit down and talk with you partner. Have they been having a hard time at work? Are they working towards a promotion? Have they taken up a new hobby? Are they working towards any goals at the moment? Get to know and also share these aspects of your lives with each other often. Bonus points if you both agree to spend less time on your phones when you are home allowing for more time to spend together.

Developing a good level of communication with your partner can do wonders for your intimacy! As life gets busy and you get more used to being around each other more often you can fall in the habit of the daily 'how was your day?' & 'good thanks, yourself?' but this doesn't help build a deep sense of intimacy

But why does intimacy and communication matter?

If you are having issues with premature ejaculation, having a strong bond and intimate connection with your sexual partner can help ease the anxiety and stress that often comes along with it. Some people with these condition may find that there are emotional or psychological factors that affect their ejaculation, this could be performance anxiety or relationship problems. These emotional factors can be addressed with developing the intimacy and communication between partners.

Never underestimate the power of communication!